35 Questions to Explore with Your Doctor After Being Diagnosed with a Heath Condition – Free Gift

Now That You've Been Diagnosed, How Can You Get The Best Medical Advice Possible?

Your doctor is your main disease care provider and it’s your job to get them aligned with how you want your mental health addressed. Make no mistake, they address disease, not wellness or prevention, or reversal. If medication and polypharmacy are not the approach you want to take, you have to get into a conversation with your provider to work on exploring how to change the approach.

It’s time to think outside the box, so you get the support you need.

Download my free discussion guide to help you prepare for a respectful conversation with your doctor that allows you to hold firm in your desires while respecting their education and clinical experience.

By spending some time preaparing for this conversation, you will achieve the best results possible with your provider and get some much needed information about the road ahead.

How to Talk to Your Doctor After Being Diagnosed With A Condition – Ebook

Get your free copy of Dr. Michael Pierce's ebook: 35 Questions To Explore With Your Doctor After Being Diagnosed With A Health Condition

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